COVID-19 Over Time

Weeks ago, we considered the world’s countries populations on the horizontal axis and the number of their COVID-19 cases on the vertical as the points in blue, below. Several countries formed Upper COVID Infection Limit (those with white triangles inside blue circles). The regressed blue line through these points described 98.5% of their variation.

By May 22, things changed, indicated by the green dots. While the US still led the world in infections, and all states on the Limit in April remained there, some other countries reached this unenviable level (i.e., the line through the green dots with white squares, correlated to 98.4%). The case count in Bahrain more than doubled; Kuwait’s infection rate went up nearly 5.5x. Along with Qatar, with over triple the cases of a few weeks ago, these Gulf States were hard hit. This phenomenon is baffling as most countries in Africa to the west and Asia to the east are doing better.

Peru and Chile did especially poorly, dispelling the idea COVID might be hemispherically-based. Vitamin D levels are of particular interest. Low levels of it correlate to high European mortality rates (

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